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Jessica Broz, MA, LPCC-S

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A brief introduction.


Jessi has been working in the mental health field since 1998 when she completed her first internship at the Children's Resource Center in Bowling Green. Upon graduation from Bowling Green State University, she began working as a direct care staff in a group home with children and adolescents experiencing severe behavioral issues. She quickly realized that she wanted to do more to help these individuals, so she decided to pursue her Master's Degree in Community Counseling at the University of Toledo, where she graduated in 2003. 


Find your path forward.


Throughout her career, Jessi has worked in many different agency settings, with many individuals from all walks of life. She enjoys hearing the stories of others and helping them forge a healthy path forward that makes the most sense to them.


Jessi believes that individuals already have the answers inside of them, and can utilize therapy to help bring those answers into practice in everyday life situations.


She enjoys working with individuals experiencing depression, anxiety, and trauma. She prefers working with adults, but is open to working with older adolescents (15+) as well. 



REACH Ms. Broz

Phone 419-537-0900, leave messages at ext 309; answered 24/7, voicemail is confidential; emergency contact info on voicemail.

Fax: 419-537-1300


Click here to E-mail Ms. Broz

Use this link to e-mail Ms. Hancock.  Email may not be confidential. It may not be checked every day and should not be used for emergencies or time sensitive requests

Get in Touch

NorthWest Ohio
Psychological Services


Brithany Pawloski, Psy.D.

Karen Robie, Ph.D.


4930 N Holland Sylvania Road

Suite B

Sylvania, Ohio 43560


419-537-0900 (Phone, 24/7)

419-537-1300 (Fax)


Our voicemail is confidential.

First Reach

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Intake Paperwork

Paperwork will open in a pdf. Print it, fill it out, & bring it to your first appointment. Do not email it back.

Allow 15 minutes before your first appointment if you need to fill out paperwork at the office.

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