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Unsolicited feedback from our patients.

It is a privilege to be present with a person who is doing the work to make peace with pain and suffering and to reach goals. We take our role in that process seriously and appreciate these kind words from those who selected us to join them on their journey.

"Karen Robie is an excellent psychologist! The time I spent working with Karen has changed my life for the better. Often, people seeking professional counseling are not clear on why they operate the way they do, they just know something isn't quite right. I have tried counseling in the past, and while it was somewhat helpful, it never resolved my underlying issues.  Karen asked the tough questions, helped me develop my own answers and then guided me in creating a plan for implementing the change I wanted to see in my life. I am a happier, healthier and more capable person today because of the work I did with Karen. 


It is my hope that people who are seeking answers invest their time, tears, energy and resources with Karen Robie. If you put in the work, your life will be forever better!


Thank you Karen. You have no idea how much of a blessing you have been to me and my family."


"Warmest , kindness, non biased heart. I felt comfortable and at ease immediately. I really felt a connection with Dr. Pawloski. I am so looking forward to her help and professional guidance."

"Brithany's knowledge is awesome, & her advice is to the point & she is tactfully blunt. This how she helps me grow!"


"I am moving forward with confidence under your [Dr. Pawloski's] guidance and perspective.”


Get in Touch

NorthWest Ohio
Psychological Services


Brithany Pawloski, Psy.D.

Karen Robie, Ph.D.


4930 N Holland Sylvania Road

Suite B

Sylvania, Ohio 43560


419-537-0900 (Phone, 24/7)

419-537-1300 (Fax)


Our voicemail is confidential.

First Reach

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Intake Paperwork

Paperwork will open in a pdf. Print it, fill it out, & bring it to your first appointment. Do not email it back.

Allow 15 minutes before your first appointment if you need to fill out paperwork at the office.

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