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William H. Covert II, Ph.D., Psychologist

Sylvania Area Psychologist
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Meet Dr. Covert.

Dr. Covert has spent his entire adult life learning about the dynamics of life. He has studied philosophy, theology, education, neuroscience and psychology. He utilizes the wisdom of these various disciplines to guide the healing process.


Dr. Covert firmly believes that people have a tremendous capacity to change and live more peaceful and complete lives if given the opportunity and the appropriate guidance. He has a special interest in helping persons who have experienced trauma, or persons struggling with anxiety, depression, anger, sleep problems or troubles with relationships. He is also comfortable with letting clients discuss their faith in relationship to any issues or situations that the client wishes to discuss.

A peacable approach.

Dr. Covert takes a patient and gentle approach to the therapeutic process. He believes the therapeutic process must be conducted in a safe and trusting environment in which all that is discussed is handled with the utmost respect and dignity.

Well trained.  Experienced. 

Dr. Covert earned his doctorate from the Pacifica Graduate Institute in Carpinteria, California. He selected the Pacifica Graduate Institute to receive training because of Pacifica’s superb reputation for preparing their students to be excellent therapists.


He augmented his doctoral training with a Master’s degree in Theological Studies, specialized training in trauma care called Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), and training from the C.G. Jung Institutes for Analytical Psychology in Zurich, Switzerland and Toronto, Canada. Dr. Covert’s most recent training has been related to the neuroscience of behavior.


Dr. Covert has worked as a psychologist for the Ohio Department of Corrections and The Northwest Ohio Psychiatric Hospital. He is also a member of the Ohio Psychological Association.

Dr. Covert's schedule is full and he is is not currently accepting new patients.


Phone 419-537-0900, leave messages at ext 307; answered 24/7, voicemail is confidential; emergency contact info on voicemail.

Fax: 419-537-1300


Click to Email Dr. Covert

E-mail for general info only.  Email may not be confidential. It may not be checked every day and should not be used for emergencies or time sensitive requests

Get in Touch

NorthWest Ohio
Psychological Services


Brithany Pawloski, Psy.D.

Karen Robie, Ph.D.


4930 N Holland Sylvania Road

Suite B

Sylvania, Ohio 43560


419-537-0900 (Phone, 24/7)

419-537-1300 (Fax)


Our voicemail is confidential.

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Allow 15 minutes before your first appointment if you need to fill out paperwork at the office.

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